In this second post, we analyse the Dow Jones weekly log returns.
The packages being used in this post series are herein listed.
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(lubridate)) # dates manipulation
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(fBasics)) # enhanced summary statistics
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(lmtest)) # coefficients significance tests
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(urca)) # unit rooit test
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)) # visualization
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(quantmod)) # getting financial data
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(PerformanceAnalytics)) # calculating returns
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rugarch)) # GARCH modeling
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(FinTS)) # ARCH test
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(forecast)) # ARMA modeling
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(strucchange)) # structural changes
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(TSA)) # ARMA order identification
Getting Data
We upload the environment status as saved at the end of part 1.
Weekly Log-returns Exploratory Analysis
The weekly log returns can be computed starting from the daily ones. Let us suppose to analyse the trading week on days {t-4, t-3, t-2, t-1, t} and to know closing price at day t-5 (last day of the previous week). We define the weekly log-return as:
rwt := lnPtPt−5
That can be rewritten as:
rwt = lnPtPt−1Pt−2Pt−3Pt−4Pt−1Pt−2Pt−3Pt−4Pt−5== lnPtPt−1+lnPt−1Pt−2+lnPt−2Pt−3+lnPt−3Pt−4 + lnPt−4Pt−5 ==rt+rt−1+rt−2+rt−3+rt−4
Hence the weekly log return is the sum of daily log returns applied to the trading week window.
We take a look at Dow Jones weekly log-returns.
dj_weekly_ret <- apply.weekly(dj_ret, sum)
That plot shows sharp increses and decreases of volatility.
We transform the original time series data and index into a dataframe.
dj_weekly_ret_df <- xts_to_dataframe(dj_weekly_ret)
## [1] 627 2
## year value
## 1 2007 -0.0061521694
## 2 2007 0.0126690596
## 3 2007 0.0007523559
## 4 2007 -0.0062677053
## 5 2007 0.0132434177
## 6 2007 -0.0057588519
## year value
## 622 2018 0.05028763
## 623 2018 -0.04605546
## 624 2018 -0.01189714
## 625 2018 -0.07114867
## 626 2018 0.02711928
## 627 2018 0.01142764
Basic statistics summary
(dj_stats <- dataframe_basicstats(dj_weekly_ret_df))
## 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
## nobs 52.000000 52.000000 53.000000 52.000000 52.000000 52.000000
## NAs 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## Minimum -0.043199 -0.200298 -0.063736 -0.058755 -0.066235 -0.035829
## Maximum 0.030143 0.106977 0.086263 0.051463 0.067788 0.035316
## 1. Quartile -0.009638 -0.031765 -0.015911 -0.007761 -0.015485 -0.010096
## 3. Quartile 0.014808 0.012682 0.022115 0.016971 0.014309 0.011887
## Mean 0.001327 -0.008669 0.003823 0.002011 0.001035 0.001102
## Median 0.004244 -0.006811 0.004633 0.004529 0.001757 0.001166
## Sum 0.069016 -0.450811 0.202605 0.104565 0.053810 0.057303
## SE Mean 0.002613 0.006164 0.004454 0.003031 0.003836 0.002133
## LCL Mean -0.003919 -0.021043 -0.005115 -0.004074 -0.006666 -0.003181
## UCL Mean 0.006573 0.003704 0.012760 0.008096 0.008736 0.005384
## Variance 0.000355 0.001975 0.001051 0.000478 0.000765 0.000237
## Stdev 0.018843 0.044446 0.032424 0.021856 0.027662 0.015382
## Skewness -0.680573 -0.985740 0.121331 -0.601407 -0.076579 -0.027302
## Kurtosis -0.085887 5.446623 -0.033398 0.357708 0.052429 -0.461228
## 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
## nobs 52.000000 52.000000 53.000000 52.000000 52.000000 53.000000
## NAs 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## Minimum -0.022556 -0.038482 -0.059991 -0.063897 -0.015317 -0.071149
## Maximum 0.037702 0.034224 0.037693 0.052243 0.028192 0.050288
## 1. Quartile -0.001738 -0.006378 -0.012141 -0.007746 -0.002251 -0.011897
## 3. Quartile 0.011432 0.010244 0.009620 0.012791 0.009891 0.019857
## Mean 0.004651 0.001756 -0.000669 0.002421 0.004304 -0.001093
## Median 0.006360 0.003961 0.000954 0.001947 0.004080 0.001546
## Sum 0.241874 0.091300 -0.035444 0.125884 0.223790 -0.057950
## SE Mean 0.001828 0.002151 0.002609 0.002436 0.001232 0.003592
## LCL Mean 0.000981 -0.002563 -0.005904 -0.002470 0.001830 -0.008302
## UCL Mean 0.008322 0.006075 0.004567 0.007312 0.006778 0.006115
## Variance 0.000174 0.000241 0.000361 0.000309 0.000079 0.000684
## Stdev 0.013185 0.015514 0.018995 0.017568 0.008886 0.026154
## Skewness -0.035175 -0.534403 -0.494963 -0.467158 0.266281 -0.658951
## Kurtosis -0.200282 0.282354 0.665460 2.908942 -0.124341 -0.000870
Years when Dow Jones weekly log-returns has positive mean are:
filter_dj_stats(dj_stats, "Mean", 0)
## [1] "2007" "2009" "2010" "2011" "2012" "2013" "2014" "2016" "2017"
All mean values in ascending order.
## 2008 2018 2015 2011 2012 2007 2014
## Mean -0.008669 -0.001093 -0.000669 0.001035 0.001102 0.001327 0.001756
## 2010 2016 2009 2017 2013
## Mean 0.002011 0.002421 0.003823 0.004304 0.004651
Years when Dow Jones weekly log-returns has positive median are:
filter_dj_stats(dj_stats, "Median", 0)
## [1] "2007" "2009" "2010" "2011" "2012" "2013" "2014" "2015" "2016" "2017"
## [11] "2018"
All median values in ascending order.
## 2008 2015 2012 2018 2011 2016 2014
## Median -0.006811 0.000954 0.001166 0.001546 0.001757 0.001947 0.003961
## 2017 2007 2010 2009 2013
## Median 0.00408 0.004244 0.004529 0.004633 0.00636
Years when Dow Jones weekly log-returns has positive skewness are:
filter_dj_stats(dj_stats, "Skewness", 0)
## [1] "2009" "2017"
All skewness values in ascending order.
## 2008 2007 2018 2010 2014 2015
## Skewness -0.98574 -0.680573 -0.658951 -0.601407 -0.534403 -0.494963
## 2016 2011 2013 2012 2009 2017
## Skewness -0.467158 -0.076579 -0.035175 -0.027302 0.121331 0.266281
Excess Kurtosis
Years when Dow Jones weekly log-returns has positive excess kurtosis are:
filter_dj_stats(dj_stats, "Kurtosis", 0)
## [1] "2008" "2010" "2011" "2014" "2015" "2016"
All excess kurtosis values in ascending order.
## 2012 2013 2017 2007 2009 2018
## Kurtosis -0.461228 -0.200282 -0.124341 -0.085887 -0.033398 -0.00087
## 2011 2014 2010 2015 2016 2008
## Kurtosis 0.052429 0.282354 0.357708 0.66546 2.908942 5.446623
Year 2008 has also highest weekly kurtosis. However in this scenario, 2017 has negative kurtosis and year 2016 has the second highest kurtosis.
dataframe_boxplot(dj_weekly_ret_df, "DJIA weekly log-returns box plots 2007-2018")
Density plots
dataframe_densityplot(dj_weekly_ret_df, "DJIA weekly log-returns density plots 2007-2018")
Shapiro Tests
## result
## 2007 0.0140590311
## 2008 0.0001397267
## 2009 0.8701335006
## 2010 0.0927104389
## 2011 0.8650874270
## 2012 0.9934600084
## 2013 0.4849043121
## 2014 0.1123139646
## 2015 0.3141519756
## 2016 0.0115380989
## 2017 0.9465281164
## 2018 0.0475141869
The null hypothesis of normality is rejected for years 2007, 2008, 2016.
QQ plots
dataframe_qqplot(dj_weekly_ret_df, "DJIA weekly log-returns QQ plots 2007-2018")
Strong departure from normality is particularly visible on year 2008.
Saving the current enviroment for further analysis.
[1] Dow Jones Industrial Average []
[2] Skewness []
[3] Kurtosis []
[4] An introduction to analysis of financial data with R, Wiley, Ruey S. Tsay []
[5] Time series analysis and its applications, Springer ed., R.H. Shumway, D.S. Stoffer []
[6] Applied Econometric Time Series, Wiley, W. Enders, 4th ed. []
[7] Forecasting - Principle and Practice, Texts, R.J. Hyndman []
[8] Options, Futures and other Derivatives, Pearson ed., J.C. Hull[]
[9] An introduction to rugarch package []
Any securities or databases referred in this post are solely for illustration purposes, and under no regard should the findings presented here be interpreted as investment advice or a promotion of any particular security or source.
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